
Thursday 28 August 2014

The Excitement of Research and Why Managers Should Know about-Research

The Excitement of Research and Why Managers Should Know

Modern technology has made research an exciting and a relatively smooth

process. Today a personal computer with a modem or any means to an Inter-

net connection places one within easy reach of knowledge of what is hap-

penning in the global markets and how the world economy is impacting on

business. Chapter 5 gives a broad idea of how technology has facilitated the

research process and decision making, and the later chapters describe the use

of technology in information gathering, data collection, data analysis, and data

presentation. By grasping the fundamentals of the research process and keep-

ing abreast of modern technology, such as computers with enormous caps-

ability to store and retrieve information, you as a manager can face the

competitive global market with its multitude of 'complex and confusing factors

with greater confidence.

Knowledge of research not only helps one to look at the available information

in sophisticated and creative ways in the fast-paced global environment that busi-

senses face, but this knowledge also helps in other ways. For example, you can

interact more effectively with research consultants who work for you, you can

discriminate between good and bad studies published in professional journals,

and if so desired, you yourself can undertake research to solve problems. More-

over, knowledge in the business area is exploding and there is an overwhelm-

ing maze of information available through the Internet, which has to be sifted

through to determine its reliability. Identifying the critical issues, gathering

rele-vant information, analyzing the data in ways that would help decision making,

and implementing the right course of action, are all facilitated by understanding

business research. After all, decision making is merely a process of choosing

from among alternative solutions to resolve a problem and research helps to gen-

rate viable alternatives for effective decision making.

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